Choushinsei Flashman 41-50, or, Did You Check the Expiration Date?

It’s finally here! The final batch of Choushinsei Flashman!

And what an ending it is! All 10 episodes of this batch are one cohesive story, so really, it’s a 10-part ending and it’s full of everything: drama, mystery, action, we’ve got it all!

It’s kind of hard to talk about these episodes without giving anything away, so I’ll keep it vague. In episode 40, we get a new aspect to the mystery of the abduction of the Tokimuras’ baby. Just when you thought they couldn’t add anything new, they throw this at you.

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Stay tuned for the gender reveal party where they serve a sushi platter that has either pink or blue rice.

Dr. Tokimura still insists that it was a baby boy, so now it could be any one of our heroes, or someone else entirely, who knows. The scene where Luu is practicing calling her Mom in episode 41 is actually very cute though.

The bulk of this batch has to do with a major issue that begins happening to Flashman. We finally get the answer to what Baraki was telling Jin about before he died. Three words: The Anti-Flash Phenomenon.

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Turns out Mag knew about it the whole time. Thanks Mag, you’re the best!

Essentially, their bodies are slowly becoming unsuited to living on Earth. So to rachet up the drama a little more, now Flashman has a time limit to defeat Mes. Can they do it in time?

Probably the best part of the batch is the infighting between the members of Mes. The villain storyline is top notch and even begins to steal the spotlight in a couple of episodes. I won’t spoil anything but…

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As in all tokusatsu shows, the more explosions on screen at once, the more powerful the enemy.

Flashman probably has the best slow-burn ending of any Super Sentai series. Seriously. Watch it. It’s so good. Emotional too. Especially the last few scenes. They get me every time. It’s been a fun ride and I’m so happy everyone can cross another unfinished super sentai series off the list.

The last batch is included with the complete batch release. Head over to the Releases to get downloading! Enjoy the show!

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